
Abstracts from the Civil Registration Records of the Comune di Montemarano, Italy

About This Blog

Hello and welcome!

The goal of this blog is to organize my research into the civil registration records of the Comune di Montemarano, Italy.  It took me three years to go through the 130+ years of records available online, and it is my sincere hope that this blog will help others who trace their roots to Montemarano to find their ancestorsIn a small effort to put faces to names, I included photos from the immigration records of those who emigrated from Montemarano to the United States or Brazil.

This blog is best used as an index to locate the original records, which can be found on both Portale Antenati and FamilySearch.  They contain much more detailed information than these meager abstracts can convey.  In all, there are 22,850 records:  10,680 births;  8,859 deaths;  and 3,311 marriages.  The years available online are:

Please note, spelling evolved over the years.  As much as possible, I've grouped similar surname variations under a single spelling for the sake of convenience.  Always check the original records to see which spelling was used at the time.

This project is dedicated to my great-grandparents, Generoso and Marianna, who arrived in New York in 1903 and 1899, respectively.  They were married in 1908, and raised a family of seven children.

Generoso & Marianna

Happy hunting!
